Case Studies

Shared Goals. Shared Success: Generating leads, hitting sales goals, and hiring new talent. All require a team effort. And from great collaborations come great results.

But don't just take our word for it. Here is what our clients say about us:

CAPE Groep

CAPE Groep, a Mendix partner, is a leader in IT services and consulting and specializes in digitizing business processes across various industries, including transport and supply chain, agrifood, and civil engineering. After partnering with The Linq Group, CAPE Groep was able to effectively structure their outreach strategy and book 93 meetings in a year. Read more about it here.

“Prospects are more than willing to talk to you and this has led to a good amount of deals. So the investment paid itself off, so to speak.”

Arno Jongman, Founder of Sales Insight


Discover how Aziri witnessed a significant improvement in lead generation and the amount of booked meetings in just one year of using The Linq Group’s lead generation services. The partnership not only helped exceed Aziri’s lead generation targets but also helped them navigate the challenges of the software industry’s long sales cycles.

Free a girl

Besides the private market, the business market also had to be addressed. After a decrease in stability from large funds, it was time for a new form of income for this market. Free a Girl worked from her own network, but with nine people, the network was exhausted rather quickly. A new flow of connections was needed.

Altares Dun & Bradstreet

Altares Dun & Bradstreet was ready to take the next step into transforming their sales digitally and making more effective use of LinkedIn. After an earlier launch of Sales Navigator for their sales organization, the sales team fell back into old patterns very quickly and held on to scripts and templates.

“One of our KPIs was, of course, the number of first meetings because that’s the first step for us to get new clients. The Linq Group helped us with reaching that goal last year and this year as well. Without your service, we would fall way beneath our KPIs.”

Maxim Daels, Co-Owner and Sales Manager of Aziri

RS Finance

With their solution adding value to their growing client base, the team of RS Finance has to grow accordingly. Recruitment, however, always remains a challenge. After trying lots of different ways, RS Finance kept having trouble finding the right people as financials are very difficult to find. There are simply too many jobs and too few people.

Sales Insight

Through a networking club, Sales Insight’s founder Arno Jongman came into contact with one of The Linq Group’s employees. His interest in The Linq Group’s way of selling was sparked. A clear goal was set: filling the pipeline. Together with Arno, The Linq Group aimed to transform their LinkedIn prospects into leads.

Proud People

The fast-moving recruitment world and the many providers in this field make it difficult to bring in new business. On the one hand, candidates are frequently approached to make a job switch, resulting in little or no response. On the other hand, it was difficult for Proud People to get in touch with decision-makers and talk about open vacancies within their organization. The response to recruitment agencies was often reluctant. This made it difficult to find the right match and fill the vacancies.


The permanent challenge SKF faces, is that every year part of their sales is non-recurring, requiring them to always search for new opportunities in the market. LinkedIn Sales Navigator offered a solution. However, adoption did not come naturally.

“Apart from just converting leads into prospects, The Linq Group really thinks along with you. They are there for you from A to Z”

Anne Vis, Communication Officer Free a Girl


Xential’s goal was to explore the opportunities in other industries than the ones they were already operating in, since their product could be very useful for multiple markets.

Huiskamer Hypotheken

At one point, we had eight franchise offices. Yet, we concluded they did not actually do any acquisition of their own. The current eight franchise offices came out of our own network and at that point, Huiskamer Hypotheken saw the potential of acquisition. This is when we were ready to grow and chose to have a partnership with The Linq Group.